Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

The Best Art Tour in the Northwest! SAW-Starving Artist Works

The Holiday 2013 Vashon Island Art Studio Tour will be held on two weekends, December 7th– 8th and 14-15th, from 10AM – 4PM each day. It’s a free, self-guided event.  Preview the art and follow the numbers designated on the Studio Tour map, which is available online at, and at most island businesses. Forty-five studios, shops and […]

The Best Art Tour in the Northwest!

The Holiday 2013 Vashon Island Art Studio Tour will be held on two weekends, December 7th– 8th and 14-15th, from 10AM – 4PM each day. It’s a free, self-guided event.  Preview the art and follow the numbers designated on the Studio Tour map, which is available online at, and at most island businesses. Forty-five studios, shops and […]

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