The Best Art Tour in the Northwest! SAW-Starving Artist Works

The Holiday 2013 Vashon Island Art Studio Tour will be held on two weekends, December 7th– 8th and 14-15th, from 10AM – 4PM each day. It’s a free, self-guided event.  Preview the art and follow the numbers designated on the Studio Tour map, which is available online at, and at most island businesses. Forty-five studios, shops and galleries (representing over 150 artists!) will open their doors to visitors.

Heather Brynn is the proprietor of Stop number 41,  SAW-Starving Artist Works
9922 SW Bank Rd, next door to Café Luna

“For as long as I remember, my favorite pastime was to create with my hands. I started selling my handcrafts at the age of 13, going home every day and making more product to sell……school work was not a priority. I started making jewelry in the late 80’s and sold through craft fairs, retail outlets, and sales reps until I became a Realtor in 1997, which I continue today. I still make jewelry but also make shibori dyed scarves, beeswax candles, hair accessories, knitted scarves and felted items. Since my father owned a sporting goods store in which I spent a lot of time, it had been a long dream of mine to own a retail shop. Opening the shop has given me, and 3 of my children, a venue to sell our arts and crafts, along with over 70 talented Vashon Island artists represented in SAW.”

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